About Us
Open Heart for Everyone (OH4E) is a global community service by
Natural Way of Living that helps you overcome anxiety, stress and other negative emotions by experiencing the natural benefits of the Heart and feeling happier, calmer, more grateful and joyful in your daily life.
Our Mission
We believe that everybody should live a happy life; our heart-based meditation offers a simple, easy and effective way to use the spiritual heart, helping everyone connect with their hearts and naturally enhance happiness, health and well-being.
Our Story
We started the "Open Heart for Everyone" program in 2008 in Indonesia as a way of sharing the amazing benefits of the spiritual heart. In 2020, we launched the program globally. Over that period, tens of thousands of people from a number of backgrounds have enjoyed the series.
Our Community
We are a global community that welcomes all backgrounds, faiths, ethnicities, ages and orientations.