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Public Session

Register your OH4E public session by following these steps. 


Public Sessions can be conducted online or face-to-face. We will promote your sessions on our social media platforms and publish it on our website, so anyone is able to register to your session, regardless of their background.  

Step 0: Find a partner or team (Optional)

If you need a partner or team to guide the session, please use the button below to access the guide list or scroll through the guides' names in the WhatsApp group. 


If you wish to go solo and do the session yourself, great! You can skip this step and proceed to Step 1 directly.

Step 1: Register your session

Once you have your partner or team and all the detail of your session, please register your session through the button below.

* Please register 2-3 weeks in advance from the starting date, so we have enough time to make your flyer and promote the session for you

Step 2:  Promote & share the link to participants

The OH4E team will create the flyer, put your session up on the OH4E website and promote your session on our social media platforms.


The participants can apply through the OH4E website by clicking on the register button. Please share and promote the link to your friends and family!

Step 3 : Check your participants and send the meeting link to your participants

Check your participants by clicking on the link below. Remember to contact them and send them the meeting link and info prior to your first session.

Step 4 : Start your session

Access the guiding materials for your sessions by clicking on the link below. Now you can go ahead and do your sessions! 


Download the attendance list below and keep track of your participants each week.

Step 5 : Request certificates

When you have completed all of your sessions, click on the button below to request for certificates for your OH4E graduates (Participants who have completed all sessions only).

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